Thursday 6 January 2011

Is my frog male?, female?, how old is it?

Unfortunately have no idea if the frog is male, female or even know how old it is, if anyone can tell me that would be great. Check out the gallery below for some close up images that may determine sex and age.


Anonymous said...

I just recently purchased a 10 gal. fresh water aquarium acclimating to include a slight air pump with fresh water live plant. I am getting prepared for my 3 Dwarf African Frogs. I heard that to dertermine sex was that male makes noises and female doesn't. So, hopefully when I get them 3 I should be able to atleast get both sexes. Any information for sexes would be a great help?

Manchester Axolotls said...

i have found they are pretty resistant to water quality so it does not need to be perfect, mine is 2 years vold now and he has not bothered about dirty water, it might kill fish but he seems to survive.
as for sex, the males sing, mine been singing for 3 weeks 24/7 now but unfortunately has no mate to play with.
people say you can tell by looking at them their sex but thats not always true, the best time is to tell when they sing, if one sings and other does not then 99% change you have one of each.
If you get 3 them you may at least get 1 female but its just a gambol as to what you get.

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