Tuesday 4 January 2011

New Additions

I have been to my LFS and got myself some new additions.

1 x African Dwarf Frog
1 x Male Orange Platy
1 x Red Tailed Shark
3 x Neon Tetras

I had been wanting to get a frog for a while now but its never been in stock but today was my lucky day. It is soooooo small.

I had to get another male platy, the male i currently have does not seem interested in the Mickey Mouse Platy Females I have, they are much bigger than him so either he is intimidated by their size or he does not realise its the same species. This way hopefully the new male which is larger in size and similar to the yellow ones should help.

I have replaced the neon tetras that was killed by the guppy. They are now a group of 10 again.

While in the LFS I saw the Red Tailed Shark, it looked interesting so got it, since I put it in the tank it has been active licking stuff from the gravel and the castle, its been all over the tank and is sharp and nimble in cunning and speed and while eating been upside down and sideways while getting into small crevices.


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