Sunday 16 January 2011

Profile: Neon Tetra

Alternative names

Neon, Neon Tetra


Hyphessobrycon innesi


Females tend to have a more "triangular" belly, as well as having the blue band bend upwards to some degree. Males having a noticeably flatter belly, compared to the females.

Tank compatibility

Gets along fine in a community tank. Prefers to be a middle to bottom swimmer. Should not be kept with larger predatory fish such as Angelfish as the Neons may get eaten. Keep them in schools of 6 or more. Smaller numbers may work providing they are in with plenty of other types of similar small tetras for them to school with.


Flake and granular foods along with micro pellet, supplemented with small live and frozen foods.


Feed once or twice a day.

Environment Specifics

Whilst Neons like a pH under 7, they can adjust to a more alkaline pH but they'll not breed. Most Neons are mass bred and are well adjusted to a higher pH. They do not like a varying pH or a high GH value. So ensure an adequate KH level. They live in stagnant pools in the wild and so do not like much current inside the tank because the are not physilogically adapted to cope with it enough. Some current is necesarry because of internal filter currents but try to keep this to a minimum.


Peaceful and a good community fish. Will school in groups of 6 or more. If they are kept in groups of under four then they will stop swimming and go pale and die after a couple of days. Other fish use this fish as a spotter fish; that is, if there is a predator about these fish will spot it first. Therefore, other more timid fish, such as rams, will come out into the open more if you put these fish in your tank. Useful to the aquarist as an indicator fish. If they are closely packed together, then they are alarmed and feel threatend. Usually if they are settled, they will disperse over your tank.


Breeding occurs in the morning after a rainfall. Temperature should be 24-26°C (75-78°F). Water should be soft, 2-6 GH. If you cannot put fish into a separate breeding tank with soft water a 50% water change can sometimes simulate rainfall. Prepare mature fish by feeding them a high protein diet for several days. Afterwards, select a breeding pair or small group and transfer them into the breeding tank. The tank should be prepared with a soft substrate or plants like java moss to allow the eggs to fall through and into. The tank should be kept in full darkness for a period (overnight) and then the light levels should be slowly increased (position the tank by an east facing window).
Spawning should occur during the morning. The eggs are the size of sand and not sticky. The adult tetras will eat the eggs, so remove them after spawning. Cover the tank again to maintain darkness. The eggs and young fry are very light sensitive. After 24-36 hours the eggs should hatch and fry should be swimming in another 4 days. They should be fed infusoria, newly hatched brine shrimp, or fry food. They prefer soft water and are sensitive to water changes, so begin with very small (5-10%) water changes often and move to a sponge filter as soon as they are ready. Once they are large enough to eat micro pellets they can be acclimated to a general tank.


Like a Cardinal Tetra, the Neon has a brilliant blue upper body and a red underside. However, unlike the Cardinal, the Neon's red underside ends halfway to the head, becoming a white belly. They are very distinctive and commonly available too.
There are other selectively bred varieties available, including a Gold variety with a pale creamy gold body and faint lateral blue line, and one called "Diamond Head" which has far more iridescent blue on its head than the regular variety.

Species Note

Neon Tetras are known to carry their own parasite aptly named Neon Tetra Disease. It is highly contagious and any fish thought to be suffering from it should be removed. It can be, but is rarely, passed on to other species.


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