Sunday 26 December 2010

Killer Guppy

From the start the large female guppy was quite agressive and nipping tails and forcing itself to all the food. I was  watching her over the past few days and Friday she was nipping at tails and head butting my pregnant Guppy in the stomach, she was even attacking my neon tetras and nipping their fins.

The last straw was on Saturday when she really started harrassing my Guppy and also terrorising the male Guppy and also my neon tetras, she attacked my little neon and its scurried to the bottom corner of the tank out of the way. I watched it has night and and it was breating very fast and looked pretty much alone.

I isolated the female Guppy into a net tank to keep it under control.

This morning, Sunday I found my little Neon Tetra floating on the surface, dead, the killer Guppy is to blame.


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